





1. 雾化器

2. 电池




1. 雾化器。这会加热并蒸发液体尼古丁混合物。吸入这种蒸汽的感觉非常类似于真正的香烟烟雾,但没有相同的健康风险。它甚至有温暖的感觉,增加了一个现实的经验。蒸汽产生的云,看起来像烟,但实际上只是一种迅速消失的雾。

2. 电池。有什么太复杂的,只是一个可充电电池的动力雾化器。它的形状看起来像一支真正的香烟。电池的寿命因型号而异。它的寿命取决于它的嘴泡的次数。通常情况下,在给电池充电之前,你可以吸150 – 400次。

3.尼古丁烟弹这些墨盒是由水/尼古丁溶液组成的。一个墨盒通常相当于1 – 1.5包香烟。不同的尼古丁强度可在高,低,或中。大多数制造商也提供各种口味,从传统的烟草口味,薄荷,香草,巧克力和水果口味。



When I first heard about the electronic cigarette my first reaction was that this was a novelty item that wasn’t to be taken seriously. But upon closer inspection I realized that this is an ingenious invention that has the potential to revolutionize the way people smoke forever.

What exactly is an electronic cigarette? Here is a description of what it is, how it works and how it can potentially benefit you or a loved one.

The e-cigarette is a battery powered device that looks, feels, tastes, and reacts like a cigarette… but it’s not a real cigarette! It even delivers nicotine but without the harmful smoke, tar and chemicals associated with real tobacco smoke. The nicotine is inhaled via a clean odorless vapor.

An electronic cigarette is typically made up of three parts:

1. Atomizer
2. Battery
3. Nicotine Cartridge

NOTE: Some of the newer models combine the atomizer and nicotine cartridges as one disposable unit. The advantage of this is that you always have a fresh atomizer instead of a single atomizer that can become clogged and less efficient over time. A fresh atomizer will insure that you get the highest volume of vapor on each puff, adding to a more satisfactory smoking experience.

Let’s go over what each component does:

1. Atomizer. This heats up and vaporizes a mixture of liquid nicotine. The sensation of inhaling this vapor is very similar to real cigarette smoke but without the same health risks. It even has a warm feel to it which adds to a realistic experience. The vapor produces a cloud that looks like smoke but is actually just a mist that quickly disappears.

2. Battery. Nothing too complicated here, just a rechargeable battery that powers the atomizer. It is shaped to look like the body of a real cigarette. The lifespan of batteries varies from model to model. The lifespan depends on the number of mouth puffs. Typically you will get 150 – 400 puffs before having to recharge the battery.

3. Nicotine cartridge. These cartridges are made up of a water/nicotine solution. A single cartridge is typically the equivalent of 1 – 1.5 packs of tobacco cigarettes. Different nicotine strengths are available in high, low, or medium. Most manufacturers also offer a variety of flavors ranging from traditional tobacco flavor, menthol, vanilla, chocolate and fruit flavors.

The electronic cigarette is surprisingly similar to the real thing but without the same health risks. There is no lingering offensive odor. It’s also a lot less expensive than tobacco cigarettes. This combined with the fact that you can use it anywhere makes e-smoking a sensible and healthier alternative, one worth considering either for yourself or a loved one.



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